Monday, July 4, 2011

blue sky smilin'

The wildfire is 19% contained as of this morning and today has been blessedly smoke-free with a clear Caribbean blue sky and a breeze (not tempestuous winds).

My neighbor decorated his truck and "float" for the Arroyo Seco Village parade with works from the various local artists in the Des Montes Gallery, his 96 year old father Manuel, and his talented singing cousin Billy.
One of Ron's steel sculptures was on the float too, so I had to go (he didn't go because of back problems). I hadn't been to one of these funky parades in about four years - the heat and crowds are daunting. But Ron drove me more than halfway there and I planned to walk the two miles back home - or call to be rescued. I've walked it often through the years, but not in July if I can help it. This year's parade outdid itself with political statements, costumes, decorated cars.
Watching this little parade amidst throngs of kids and people of all ages, brought back memories of countless Independence Days, first with my own young kids (parades followed by beach parties) and my granddaughter Kira when she came out to New Mexico to visit in summers (parades followed by root beer floats and movies). Truthfully, parades aren't much fun without a kid along and most of my older friends chose to stay home on this first clear day in over a week. For a brief time I felt a little sad and alone. But then I stepped into Clairworks - a great original jewelry designer's shop and got inspired by a teal apatite and silver bead necklace that I may have to go back for. It's amazing how certain therapies work! I walked home without needing to be rescued and stepped into a cool shower. I'm glad I went. Maybe next year we'll bring Dante.

Like remembering.
Yellow balloon in blue sky
     a small girl's parade

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