Saturday, December 10, 2011

directed-attention fatigue

two socks do not a pair make
Anxious to see how the patterns would work out, I finished two Bamboo socks. I've just cast on for a third different one. Now, some knitters are disturbed by this habit of mine - to the point of gently suggesting that I try to overcome it through therapy or drugs (really, someone once suggested Al Anon). If any of you are reading this, rest easy - in the not too distant future these singles will be companionable couples (I can't promise that the stripes will match) and I will have had the selfish satisfaction of trying out the new yarns I received.

moon madness
Meanwhile, as I experience the impact of this current full moon that included restlessness yesterday and a total lunar eclipse this morning, I am trying to reconstitute my declutter campaign, make some sense/organization out of the mess in my workroom (craft fair leftovers, two still-to-be-edited manuscripts, a writing project waiting (where did I put the notes?), find my car keys, new eyeglasses, figure out who gets what for Christmas and when to send them). I should be freaking out but I took a nap instead - since the intense silver light of the moon during the night, pouring in through all 51 windows, kept me restless and finally fully awake at 4:30. I ate breakfast at 5, lunch at 9:30.

"give the apple a smile"
The phrase that titles this post is from Thich Nhat Hanh's book "Savor". 
 He writes that our 21st century minds are so attentive to every detail of  "the next thing" that it leads to distractability and irritability. Me? Irritable? And we don't even appreciate the apple we're eating. The result is mindlessness instead of mindfulness (my words). The remedy, he suggests, is to get out in nature. Or take a nap (today"s solution).

the apple in your hand is the body of the Cosmos
                            Thich Nhat Hanh

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