Saturday, December 24, 2011

bittersweet season

too old to take it?
Last night we felt a bit fragile. It had been a long drive from home and we'd had a busy next day reconnecting with galleries and other places in Scottsdale. Went out for a late dinner and returned to our room exhausted and stressed. Our old ambivalent feelings about this town surfaced and we suddenly wanted out. He wanted to leave today, Christmas Eve, I wanted to take a flight to anywhere that wasn't here. Instead, we went to sleep and awakened this morning to glorious sun, birdsong, sound of water flowing over rocks into pools, no wind, and quite a bit warmer (they've had record low temps here recently). In a word, what's not to like?

After breakfast we took a long leisurely walk through green lush foliage and flowers to a nice shopping area and bought each other gifts  - a surprise Pandora silver and black onyx bangle bracelet for me. I have extremely thin wrists so I don't comfortably wear bangles. But these come in S, M, L sizes! Mine is the smallest. Being oval instead of round, it fits easily over my hand and comfortably on my wrist. Can you tell that I'm kinda pleased with this gift? Ron doesn't understand the whole Pandora thing, but shrugs it off as "girl stuff" (how nice to be included in that appellation). I don't understand it myself, but who cares? Do you?
Tomorrow we hope to just hang out in the lovely water, fire, earth gardens of this place (it's called Firesky), soak up sun and stay completely unstressed and lazy. What could be nicer at Christmas? This:
Merry Christmas to great grandson Dante and all the family and friends faraway who we love and wish were here with us tonight