Saturday, May 7, 2011

what it is

Left the house early this morning for the first day of the farmer's market only to find that I'd been given the wrong information and that it starts next Saturday. So I headed to the park for a walk and right into a craft show. I walked for a while on the back paths then browsed the show in intense hot sun (when did summer arrive - it was snowing less than a week ago). No matter, I had my baseball cap on my head, sandals on my feet, and very little money. Still I managed to put something on hold till tomorrow.
     There was lots of new graffiti in the park and noticing one image felt sort of hip since it had been explained to me by one of the 20 year olds in my Latin class. Hot Boxing.
It seems that when one is in an air-tight room or vehicle that contains one or more pot-smokers (they told me "cigarette smokers") the smoke circulates and is breathed in deeply. I researched the words on the net and found this to-the-point explanation: "Smokers in a hotbox may find themselves totally f----d beyond the point of speech after about 30 minutes. Hotboxing is an event that requires some amount of planning, but ensures optimal weed usage." So there you have it. I won't be trying it anytime soon - since I'm not 20 it might kill me.

The garage door at the community auditorium was newly decorated.
And a prop truck parked outside.
The chicken coop has some new art as well
back to work
When I returned home I dove into the finalizing of the anthology manuscript and literally spent the whole rest of the day doing it. But I made quite a bit of progress and may actually meet my self-imposed deadline of Monday morning. What I found as I read the submissions again carefully is that this year's edition is going to be the best one ever because the quality of the work is so excellent. It comes from a stunning array of award-winning writers and poets who generously submitted work for this humble book. What surprised me is that many writers who generally work in prose, sent poems, and vice versa. And it's all good!
     So now, as I sit here at my desk it's around 8:00 p.m., the sun is still shining and it sounds like my neighbors are all doing something to their properties. Vegetable gardens are being installed, trees watered, soil turned over, kids laughing and gleefully screaming as if it were a summer evening. My workroom window is open and the curtain (the only one in the entire house because it feels nice in here) is gently blowing in and out just like in paintings. As soon as the sun goes down fully it will get cold and I'll have to close everything up again - that's the mystery of mountains - always a cold breath coming down from the highest peaks even on the hottest days.

Here is the latest quickly finished project (because when I picked it up a few days ago it was already half done - I just had to knit the columns).
Probably the last one for a while. This is in Classic Elite so-soft Alpaca Sox "watercress". Delicious! Tonight I'll work on the rainbow socks and plan to get back to the craft fair early tomorrow to pick up what I put on hold - and maybe a couple of other things that are tantalizingly poking at my tired brain.

I learned a new Sanskrit word today because it appeared in one of the poems I read: drishti - a gazing technique that develops concentration and teaches you to see the world as it really is.  i.e., gazing inward and outward at the same time. Try it.

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