Monday, May 30, 2011

as the day goes

a review
It seems that lately there are unexpected clusters of color emanating from stuff lying around. My natural inclination is to possess those images. I'm not an artist so I grab the camera I recently bought - a relatively inexpensive new Lumix FH25 P&S that I thought would be perfect for snaps  (I've always loved the Panasonic-Leica connection and the high quality it produces). Turns out that this new model is not as good as I expected - and (in my opinion) unecessarily over-megapixeled at 16! It worked well when I took pictures of the rushing river - stopping the action - but look at those strawberries - way too color saturated and a sort of mushy appearance. It may be that one of the less demanding photographers in the family will inherit this camera sooner rather than later. We'll see. This blog and lots of snaps during my visit will give it a serious test whirl.

knitter partially reveals her shame
In a brief lull this morning, I scanned ufo projects to choose what will travel with me next week. There are so many that I didn't dare put them together, fearing cardiac arrest. So I separated the preferred sox projects and stuffed them into my collection of Knowknits pouches (fewer pouches than projects).
I'll bring only one because a visit to Westport Yarns is on the agenda! And the chance of having blocks of idle time to sit on a beach and knit is a dream that won't manifest. There is a great deal of activity in everyone's life at all times back there and it gets ratcheted up when I'm added to the mix. And now I will admit openly that I dislike knitting in airports and on planes! I always carry a project as security if there should be an extreme delay somewhere along the way, but in general I don't enjoy casual conversation with strangers and get bored easily.  I can't ever watch movies on board planes since I'm not tall enough to see above the seats in front of me. I'd rather get lost in the books on my beloved Kindle. So it's one sock project, dpns and a set of interchangeable needles (because you never know).
Love those bags! The teapot was left over from breakfast - and, yes, I do use knitted cosies - they work, they're pretty and...cosy!

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