Sunday, June 26, 2011

like an old chair

In spite of the cool breeze, bright sun, reasonable temperature, I'm feeling a bit like an old chair forgotten in an abandoned garden. The feeling isn't physical - it's all in my mind. I spent time with a friend this morning who lives with tremendous stress since her husband developed Alzehimers. He no longer lives at home and that opens up concerns and adjustments she's never had to deal with before. My friend isn't young in years, but she's a poet with a curious mind and youthful attitude.

and then
I learn that another friend far away was hit by a car as she crossed a city street on her way to a favorite neighborhood restaurant. After hours of surgery and setting of broken bones, she's in rehab until she's recovered enough to return home. She will recover, but her life has suddenly and unexpectedly been jolted, turned upside-down.

I like to believe that positive intentions sent out to the universe elicit responses -  and I've been known to say (as if I know what I'm talking about) that when you don't pay attention to the messages the universe sends back (if you even hear them), then it is impelled to hit you with a baseball bat to get your attention. With apologies to everyone I said this to, I now take back those glib assertions and accept that life is what happens when you have other plans. The universe is probably not directly involved.

and then
with a sudden but benign change of direction, I will share with you another great, cool, basic summer recipe.  Tweak and change it to suit your taste buds. Two servings.

soba noodles with broccoli and fava beans
7-8 ozs soba (buckwheat) noodles
2 or more T good olive oil
1 tsp minced garlic
broccoli florets, bite-sized, steamed
1 can organic fava beans, drained and rinsed
gomasio (sesame seeds with sea salt) or plain toasted sesame seeds (in which case you should add a dash of salt to the above ingredients)

Boil the noodles, steam the broccoli, heat oil and garlic in large frying pan. When noodles are tender, drain and add to garlic/oil mix, saute briefly. Sprinkle sesame seeds to your taste (I like lots), mix. Place on platter, serve hot or cold. Serve with a light chilled white wine.

the lloronas weep
by the river again
the water so low

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