Thursday, June 2, 2011


The book is finally signed off to the printer and I'm taking time to have fun with the new camera that arrived today (I returned the other one - it was doo doo). Pleased with results so far, considering it's lower end. But it's a Canon and the lowest of the low end is better than most other P&S cameras out there. I think this little gem (in royal blue) will be the perfect snapshot camera. Baby Dante watch out! Nonnagrande will be on the loose! Last night I dreamed that he was already talking. Meanwhile, I'm in a mild state of panic, list-mania notwithstanding
due to not having had time to consider what to pack and not quite sure where my so-called summer clothes are still stored. I'm thinking it will be hot and humid in Connecticut and I don't have a thing to wear! It's still cool here, the wind unceasingly strong, downright cold at night, and there is a wildfire raging in Sipapu a few miles away. The smell of smoke is drifting into our valley tonight and it just adds to the discomfort of dry air, dust, pollen, wind. The interior of my house is a dustbowl and I'll have to do something about it soon (like hose it down). Instead, I spent the afternoon experimenting with the camera and playing with the fisheye setting:
How cool is this? However, I have no idea of why I'd want to take fisheye pictures. Or use the setting called "toy camera" which darkens the outer edges (nice effect) or "miniature effect" which turns anything in the foreground tiny. I'll will be fun though (and I'll pack the serious camera in my carry-on bag). And tomorrow I'll start searching for clothes. Hope they fit after a sedentary winter.

Travel light,
especially light of mind

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