Friday, October 8, 2010

i'm late i'm late

Rummaging around looking for my cellphone which didn't ring when I called it, I knocked over the jute bag (a nifty Rowan membership gift) and out tumbled a tangled bunch of small unfinished projects. Socks, handwarmers, clapotis, unraveling balls. I knew they were there and have been working at one or two every few days, but seeing them all together in a pile was rather sobering. There was no time to sort properly so I stuffed them back in the bag, didn't find my phone and rushed out to an appointment that I would surely be late for - first I took a picture. Then I found my phone under a pile of yarn (!) and left for my appointment, giving myself a full half hour to get to the south of town (which should be a 15-20 minute trip), stopped at the post office for two minutes and got back on the road which detoured into a huge traffic jam (this is Taos folks - we don't have traffic jams!). It turned out to be the homecoming parade. Needless to say, my blood pressure rose and I mumbled things like "who cares about a homecoming parade?" and "what the heck is it anyway? (I grew up in a big city and we didn't do that sort of hometown thing). I think it's about football.
However, the delay (45 minutes to get to the south end of town) gave me time to open the package that I'd picked up at the PO.  Yarn from Jimmy Beans Wool. A limited edition Lorna's Laces Shepherd sport weight called Goblin and a weird color combo called Zombi BBQ (strange). They are both interesting, different and I like them. It breaks the color spell I've been under where I end up buying new yarns that resemble the old ones. Now I have to figure out what I'm going to make with these colors after I sort out the contents of the jumbled jute bag and finish some of those many little projects. I just can't seem to remember why I ordered this new yarn. I know I had something in mind but since I didn't write it down, it's gone. Oh well, I trust it will reveal itself when there is time to clear the tabs and think clearly (when?).

That is, unfortunately, not in the cards right now as I prepare for the big 16 family Des Montes neighborhood yard sale that starts at 8 tomorrow morning. Sorted it all out yesterday: books, clothing, teapots - and yarn stash. Surprised?

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