Friday, October 1, 2010

dizzy winds

When I was a girl my father told a story about a fight between the sun and the wind and a poor hapless man caught in the middle who kept having to take off his coat and put it back on according to which one of the combatants was up at the moment. I feel like that today. After a week or more of summer-has-returned when temps rose into the high 80s and the sky was a deep cloudless blue and the sun shown hot, this afternoon ominous clouds gathered and wind suddenly blew up knocking over outdoor chairs and trash cans and dropping the temp by about 30 degrees. I went outside to take a picture of a patch of sun glowing on the orange peaks (which didn't turn out very well) and got cold and windblown. So much for that idea. The Wool Festival starts tomorrow and I'm hoping that blue sky will prevail once again.

My friends and I will attend no matter the weather - we're meeting for breakfast at 7:30 tomorrow morning (!) and plan to spend the day in the park complete with picnic and new yarns. Meanwhile, instead of those pesky baby things and those pesky production things, I'm working on the Jade Sapphire clapotis and just got a call from the yarn shop in Santa Fe that the extra skein I'd ordered is in. Oh dear oh dear - how far can one budget stretch? When I look at this work-in-progress in the cloud light, it resembles the sky at this moment (except for the antique Budweiser box it's resting on).
Will write another post when the Festival is over and share some of the experiences we'll no doubt have on this major holiday for my people!

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