Tuesday, June 25, 2013

some getting

Walking in the park by 7:30 a.m. turns out to be the best way to experience cool air and moisture these days. It's so dry, windy, often smokey from wildfires. Not a drop of rain in sight. Some national park areas around Santa Fe have been closed completely and here we have to be careful with our water usage. Most of us with wells have no idea of how much water is in the cool depth of the earth -- in our case, 260 feet down. Early morning in the park is a challenge though, as sprinklers can suddenly go on unexpectedly. It's a friendly game of avoidance and challenge. I've been caught a couple of times.

in love
...with a set of double pointed needles unknown to me a week ago....

My friend showed me ones she'd recently purchased: Karbonz made by Knitters Pride (in India). Made from carbon and fiber materials used in stealth airplanes and racing cars, tipped with tapered nickel-plated brass, they are light, strong, warm, smooth -- and not too expensive. I ordered through Amazon on Thursday and they arrived yesterday! After dinner I cast on for a Van Gogh, Room at Arles (Opal) and didn't stop until late last night after knitting half a sock! I love these needles! I'm sure they have some sort of magic embedded in them -- like those Hermoine used to knit hats for elves -- my hands didn't hurt and the stitches knitted up fast and neat. I'm avoiding this project today since I'm already procrastinating on a manuscript and also forced to think about what to pack in a few days. Oh, did I say I ordered an interchangeable set of Karbonz circulars?

All things that live
must make a living.
There's nothing got
without some getting.
     Yuen Mei (1716-1798)

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