Wednesday, January 5, 2011


the story
I found this talking stick today while organizing my workroom in preparation for serious work to begin soon. Years ago when my adult granddaughter was seven, we sat around the kitchen table on a summer afternoon and made it . We used weathered wood, yarn, ribbon, weeds and feathers. We'd visited the Pueblo earlier that day and had been reading about Native American customs. How the people sat in a talking circle and an elaborately decorated stick was handed around to one person at a time - and how that person was silent until receiving it. The individual holding the stick then told a story. When he or she was finished it was passed it on to the next person. We liked that idea and tried it for a couple of days. Kira (being 7 years old) refused to talk at all unless the stick was in her hand. When she held it she revealed much more about her feelings than in ordinary conversation and then (because she was 7 years old) forgot about it. When I found it today memories of stories and summers flooded back. Now she has a baby of her own and I wonder if we'll make a talking stick with him someday?

red report
I've finished about 18 inches of the first section of the cashmere Lace Shawl. Each section is going to be 34" so there's still lots of knitting to go. I couldn't help but traipse outside to photograph it against the adobe wall and intense blue sky. Did you ever see such a sky? A strong cold breeze was blowing and my bare feet in sandals were half in snow (I know I know) and I hurried back in. I'm loving this yarn, color, pattern and would like to work on it and do nothing else until it's done.

birthday story
This week my friend Phyllis turned 83 years old. A friend and I took her out to lunch at an Asian restaurant in town. We sat for hours talking, eating, catching up. As dessert arrived (sesame balls) the Chinese waiter asked in a thick accent if she wanted a birthday song. She of course said no - expecting the usual candle stuck in ice cream with a bevy of waitpersons singing out of tune - but no - this young man sang a Cantonese birthday celebration song just for her! It was totally perfect and she loved it. I arrived home in late afternoon and immediately began knitting and reviewing in my mind the many turns our conversations took. And now a portion of this shawl has that song knitted into it.

after plates of shrimp
brown rice and vegetables
a cheerful winter celebration song 

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