Monday, January 31, 2011

planets askew

All day we heard reports that a major snow storm is brewing - heading down from Denver. By late afternoon the organic market was so crowded that I could hardly maneuver my small cart through the aisles - everyone stocking up on food supplies. The sky rapidly changed from soft gray to ominous gathering clouds gradually closing off the view of the mountains. Some snowflakes began to fall. These changes reflected my own discombobulation. Is there some retrogradey thing going on with the alignment of the planets? Nothing seemed to be easy today. I worked at my desk all morning and had emails returned, bank accounts mixed up, telephone service interrupted, and my cell phone made the most amazing animal sounds when the battery died All of  this was a prime example of what I to refer to as the miracle of technology strikes again! As dusk descended and the mountains disappeared into a threatening atmosphere, there were soft sky happenings going on in the west. I'm glad the day is over and night has come. I can knit.
A new skein of Alpaca Sox yarn in a different (from yesterday's posting) surprise green arrived at the post office today. It's called Watercress and is lovely. I'll post a picture of it when I can photograph it in natural light - when the camera won't turn it to dull gray. There's that miracle of technology again - 35mm film didn't turn greens to gray, but digital imaging does, no matter the setting.

under cold pond water
at the bottom of the gorge
wavy watercress in summer

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