Saturday, January 1, 2011

so much begins

happy new year!
It seems the years reel off rather quickly lately. Last night as midnight approached (and we were ensconced in a warm room watching old Marx Brothers movies) I said, remembering losses, "good riddance to this year". But it was also a lovely year with births (Dante), new friendships formed, old ones grown deeper, a bit of travel, family ties strengthened, some writing events in which I participated, photography, words in general, this blog, lots of stuff knitted and worn. I took back my cynical comment and realized that I had actively participated in every moment in one way or another. For the things I couldn't create and had to accept, I managed to find a path without becoming completely undone. Sometimes it was rough going and I nearly toppled, but overall I'm still walking.

Falling asleep with these thoughts had me feeling reflective when I awakened this morning, trying to recall dreams rife with people and new places. They eluded me, but Ron had been at the kitchen table since 5:30 (he doesn't sleep much) and as I stumbled around trying to find the tea, I noticed that he had been drawing at the table amidst a variety of clutter that we'd left behind in lieu of old movies the night before (clutter doesn't exist for him).
A riot of color was just what was required on a morning that dawned with below zero temps and unmelted white snow as far as the eye could see. Soon the sun appeared (for the first time in days) and although it was still bitterly cold outside, winter warmth does prevail at this latitude and snow began to melt off the roof in rhythmic drippings. It was a welcome sound.

I'd been worried about the horses in the extreme cold last night, but they seemed to have survived quite well and stood like statues as the early morning sun just clearing the eastern mountains warmed them.
I look forward to this year with anticipation of the interesting - and to this first day of the new year with the words of storyteller Gioia Timpanelli to guide me.

so much begins with longing
let your yearning be the beginning 
of your doing

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