Sunday, January 26, 2014

orbs & para-stuff

A few things have entered my life that simultaneously bring illness, joy, accomplishment, worry, change. I won't go into detail, but I acknowledge that it's just life doing what it always does. I tell myself, get a grip! Since I do tend to read self-help books when things go awry, I'm reading Wayne Dyer. No matter how controversial (he is), and no matter that I consider him to be the Nickolas Sparks of psychology, he does often speak to something we need to hear and has helped many people (including me). I'm currently reading Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting. Positive stuff. But I do have one problem. Orbs. What do you think of orbs? Are they manifestations of spiritual beings or the "convergence of truths?" that bring messages or accompany enlightened ones?

my personal orbs
I took the photograph below on a clear dark November Full Moon night. I did not notice anything near the moon, it was too early for stars, but this is what my digital camera saw.
purple retro-reflections?
Once, with a small invited group, I went to a friend's house for an evening discussion of psychic phenomena. She's a psychic and a best-selling author. A female guest talked about orbs. She said they appear in her photos. I can't remember now what meaning she attributed to them, but she felt she'd captured paranormal phenomena. I nearly suggested she check her lens for smudges or try using a different camera, but I didn't because it would have been rude. A few weeks later, in the woods with my dog Spike, I photographed him and the photo showed an orb in the trees nearby. Spike was an advanced doggie and very smart, but home I cleaned the lens and the orb did not appear in subsequent photos.

I've since learned that orbs appear in low-light instances where a compact or ultra-compact camera is used at night or where a bright light source is near the lens. Something happens called backscatter or near-camera reflection. I'd like to believe that profound messages are being given through my camera but I don't. Do you?

Imagination is more important than knowledge. 
Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
     Albert Einstein

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