Wednesday, January 1, 2014

croissants in a sunny room

First day of the new year and it was a strange one. Nice weatherwise, but cold and windy, which prevented me from walking on this sunny afternoon. Because Ron decided to come along (and hates cold wind), we ended up at the only cafe open on this holiday and ate croissants, tea and coffee. The Farm Market Cafe happens to be a couple of doors away from Envison Gallery where his stabiles are being shown. He convinced me to pose with the abstract buffalo and took the picture, his first, using an iPhone (mine). He's not a techie-type and somehow managed to take 95 shots of this photo using the burst mode! Don't ask. I don't know how he did it, but I finally figured out how to get rid of all but this one. It was quite lovely at the Overland Compound and the waterfall melodically flowed down through the ice covered rocks. The sound of flowing water made me think of spring and water rushing down the rivers from the mountains--but the reality of spring snowmelt is still a very long way off and I'd better stop dreaming about it.
I love that place in three seasons and now I have to add winter. Just as long as I don't have to sit outdoors! Tomorrow I get back to work at my desk and will accept no interruptions (I missed a deadline for the first time, perhaps because it was a soft one and I took advantage of it!). There, I've said it! Don't mess with me tomorrow.

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