Tuesday, May 7, 2013

a windigo?

windigo: a cannabalistic giant; a monster. One who devours...
It's wild plum blossom season in Taos again. The fuzzy blossoms smell sweet and although it's hard to explain, they smell like they look. Unfortunately, this is a dry spring (it did rain yesterday -- first time in weeks and weeks) but it's been freezing at night and other blossoms that tentatively came out have been zapped. The wind up here in the north country is relentless, too. So we're calling it a windigo (monster). Not one who eats human flesh as some Indian legends tell, but one who devours blossoms and by default, the fruit it will not bear. Nice while they lasted, gone now.
There are no peepers to be heard. I noticed it last evening. For years, in spring, after a rain or as soon as the acequias start running, choruses of frogs call in the dusk -- but we haven't heard them in a couple of years. Even birds, busy building nests, are relatively quiet lately. It hasn't snowed, but this is the way it feels.
Cashmere sweater time for sure -- and the alpaca socks I'm wearing at this very moment that happen to match the changing sky....

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