Sunday, November 18, 2012

the music of silence

What a weekend it's been! Starting on Friday afternoon, until tonight, I participated in a writing/meditation workshop at UNM. It was the second and final weekend of the class led by Sean Murphy (check out his books). I'm so glad to have him in my life again. Years ago, we wrote in a friend's zendo with a handful of other people. We celebrated various events in each other's lives (weddings and birthdays) and then got involved in our separate worlds. We only ran into each other in the inevitable small town way. In a word, this weekend was perfect! I'm so glad to be returning to a meditation practice. Yesterday afternoon, we left the quiet empty campus building and walked outside to the area where one of the students is creating a meditation labyrinth as a final class project for another class. In silence (most of us) we collected stones that she will fashion into a "snake" labyrinth by spring. The sun shone down on us and the wind was gentle, creating a perfect atmosphere in which to work. Today we did chi gong practice out there and although it was sunny, it was windy and cold! Right now, the labyrinth is a pile of rocks, but I'll post photos as it progresses. Gathering stones and rocks was like gathering shells on a beach -- with almost as much variety. Pink. Gray. Greenish. Striped.
While this was happening today, our dear and loveable great grandson Dante was celebrating his second birthday 2,000 miles away. We received, through the miracle of technology, photos and a video of him opening the gifts we sent. He seemed to especially like the felted socks I made for him (there were also books and finger puppets).
And tonight I received this picture of Dante with his parents Kira and Elmer and the Cookie Monster cake. For a few moments, we transcended distance. How do I love thee, technology? Let me count the ways.
Happy Birthday dear Dante

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