dear great grandson Dante, 17+ months old, looking oh, so cool and sweet. He walks, he speaks - I received a video wherein he uttered the brilliant words: "hot dog"! Imagine that! I'll be seeing him soon.
And then there's Spike. He's getting old (but who isn't?) and spends more time napping than he used to, but he's still intense (the Corgi in him) and cute, still nips at our ankles (the herding Corgi in him) and thinks we are his pets (alpha Corgi). Hope I can bring Dante and Spike together one day soon (this summer?). Spike needs an alpha toddler to play with.
Back to my desk today to deal with paper and words after taking the weekend to attend friend Linda Michel-Cassidy's jewelry trunk show at the Harwood Museum (gorgeous, elegant, sophisticated), and then home to wash and stow sweaters, dispatch clutter, organize my one wild closet (found a favorite sock lost for 2 years), water the trees outside. It's been dry and windy, trees are showing stress; the NM olive is dead, and half the dwarf apple tree; the apricot trees are okay. By next weekend we will eliminate the dead trees and branches because FengShui-wise, one must never ever have dead trees or branches anywhere near the entrance to one's home.
Desires to which we could not yield;/
Fewer and clearer grew the plans,/
Schemes for a life and sketches for a hatred,/
And early among my interesting scrawls/
Appeared your portrait./
(W.H. Auden, 23, 9th stanza)