Sunday, April 24, 2011

the thing with feathers

The blogs I'm reading these days are all about blossoms and tulips, daffodils and hope. It seems that the winter was long and harsh in many places and the burgeoning spring is being celebrated as enthusiastically as when the ancients welcomed Persephone back from the underworld. Although I'm sans daffs, tulips and pomegranate seeds, I'm celebrating too. After a night and morning of welcome rain (scary-dry here) I walked out into our small adobe-bricked courtyard I dare not even call a garden (it's more like the disheveled, overgrown Secret Garden before the kids discovered it) and noticed a few things (in spite of neglect and low moisture) getting ready to bloom.
 dwarf Asian apple

 lilacs (one of two bushes - the other is sparse with tiny buds - only 3 feet away - what's with them?
apricot (blooms early, usually zapped by a last freeze or two, but we hope) 

Due to the belief that spring may actually arrive soon in full regalia and that I'm unthinkingly humming random lyrics from old songs that mention spring...
"I'm as restless as a willow in a windstorm..."
"the barnyard is busy, in a regular tizzy..."
"those April showers, bring May flowers..."
...I put aside the verdigris (dull) Colonnade shawl and took up Lorna's Laces cheerful "catalpa" yarn.
How daffy is this! makes up for the missing daffodils (I swear we had some real ones for a few years, but they disappeared). Buds, blossoms, new yarn projects, it's all about hope for the future, isn't it?

Hope is the thing with feathers
      That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all
                              Emily Dickinson

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