Tuesday, July 13, 2010

kinds of lust

Summer afternoon at the Teapot. The gorgeous old wicker chair would probably collapse if anything heavier than a planter was placed on it (like a knitter's butt). But it represents something ineffable about summer and spending quiet time under the moving shade of a tree. Instead, I go inside and sit at a table with a French country tablecloth and sip iced black Vietnamese tea - and finally get back to editing.

A couple of days ago my extremely intelligent and educated friend handed me a rather large shopping bag with four thick books in it. The books are Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series. Along with the bag of books came a warning,  "they are young adult level, but you will be mesmerized" - appropriate for reading about adolescent vampire lovers. I finished all 500+ pages in a couple of days. And I must say that although I would like to know if Bella becomes a vampire herself (in order to live forever with her Adonis-like boyfriend Edward) I'm not sure I can plow through another 1500 pages or so to find out. I'm seriously considering asking my friend to spill the bloody beans and just tell me what happens.

I did like the story of how the author was inspired. She had a dream. In a sunny clearing of a forest she was with a drop dead (no pun intended) gorgeous man whose skin, in the bright sun, glowed and sparkled. He just happened to be a vampire madly in love with her. Next morning she sat down at her computer and started writing. It took three months to complete the first book and after some rejections and disappointments, a clever literary agent liked what she read and found a publisher - then a movie deal materialized. The rest is history. (By the way, I am going to buy Twilight for my granddaughter who is turning 15 in a couple of weeks).

Not the sexy kind (sorry). But knitting-related lust. I have just stumbled upon Colonial Needle Company's Rosewood Interchangeable Knitting Needles. I must have them! I've always loved rosewood needles. I have a couple of dpn sets and one or two circulars picked up at Stitches West in years past. I consider them treasures and one year when my backpack containing a half finished sock on rosewood needles was stolen out of my car I claimed them, along with my camera, as a loss. Surprisingly, the claims adjuster didn't question it and they were replaced. The problem is that these needles cost $199 (plus shipping)! So I'm planning a yarn stash and sample sweater sale at the end of August.  I may post some of the inventory on this site and on Ravelry first. Or I could get a job. Maybe not.

Old time words for knitting needles include:

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