Thursday, September 6, 2012

free bird

Looking forward to a day that I expect will unfold organically, like the (expensive) matcha green tea bag floating lazily in my serendipity mug. The book deadline was met last night and now is in the hands of the person working with the printer. I don't foresee any glitches (she says with fingers crossed and hope in her heart) and I'm designating myself "free bird" for a couple of days. Finished sock #1 late last night (and fell asleep before Bill Clinton's nominating speech at the DNC) and this morning in the hot sunlight streaming in onto the kitchen table, I notice the orange stripes match Ron's small maquette. Space now to think about autumn's inevitable arrival soon, warm sweaters and new socks. New yarn...
And speaking of Clinton, wasn't his speech great! There seems to be a lot of agreement about that -- including a positive comment from Fox News! We watched the speech this morning in its entirety on my mac, at the kitchen table (mission control), over morning coffee and tea. Good, positive way to start a new day.

Intense hot red sun,
heartlessly--but already
autumn in the wind

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