Wednesday, October 26, 2011

deep, dark & other stuff

Since it's getting close to Halloween I thought I'd share a picture of this house perched high on a hill overlooking the Pacific. I passed it on my walks a few weeks ago. I'm sure it's a lovely place, not a haunted mansion (it's actually quite a modest size) but it sure looked spooky on this day. So let your imagination fashion a story of your own. Today's weather perfectly fits whatever creepy story you do concoct because it's snowing on the mountains (hidden behind clouds) and raining cold rain down here. Gloomy. And cozy. When the sky cleared briefly, it was no longer that blue I've been waxing poetic about, it was silver and gray and moving fast toward the mountains.
Perfect day to finish a special knitting project (and try to deal with an unrelated unexpected problem). Why aren't our stresses meted out gradually and balanced by an equal measure of joys? Never mind.
This makes me happy.
Dante's b-day hat and mittens (a Morehouse yarn and modified pattern). Those little thumbs were hell to knit and the touches of felt and beads for lips and eyes (that I didn't add) were over the top for the smallest size. (Have I told you that I hate sewing?) I can't imagine that these mitts will stay on tiny hands either. So I'm about to start a pair of thumbless mittens as a backup. I tend to avoid making tiny toys, ornaments, animals or other cute stuff. I once made a tiny toe-up sock for a workshop and it nearly caused me to quite knitting altogether.

approaching the edge of sanity
Which I can't do at this time because I made a commitment to participate in the Yuletide Craft Fair on Thanksgiving weekend and need to have enough knitted items for three full days. Here's a sneak peek at one of a series of small felted bags that a psychic acquaintance told me I should be sure to include. She said they would serve as talismans to those who bought them. Interesting concept, eh? Who am I to doubt her word.

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