Sunday, June 17, 2012


she did it!
Still in time-to-feng-shui-my-life mode. Get rid of useless objects; clear away the dust on the shelves and in my mind. Goodbye one dozen old notebooks! Admittedly, they were more about notes and quotes, fits and starts, than actual workbooks or journals, but there is simply no room for them anywhere and I take that as a message from the universe to let go. Feels good. Getting lots accomplished in what I know is only a brief lull between projects and travel. Wise words read during a quick lunch guide me. May Sarton (At Seventy) wrote:

If I can be wiser about not feeling so compulsive about everything, all will be well.

Just listen to the wind outside (blowing hard and dry), hope for rain,  enjoy the sound of bamboo windbells in the window in the next room tossed by currents of air; clonking exotic melodic notes, shape like a Chinese character. Maybe Joy?
I woke yesterday morning wondering what was about to happen that meant joy and then remembered...
        May Sarton