Sunday, August 14, 2011

capricious moon

shades of tina sinatra
Okay, so here's what happened yesterday morning. I received a birthday package from my daughter. I've never gotten blase about gift packages from her because they usually contain a variety of fun stuff and maybe one serious something. We generally don't spend a lot of money on gifts for each other but do enjoy collecting items for future mailings. So. There I am in my hot car trying to get the megatape off the box because I'm overdue to meet my friends at the coffee shop and I want to know what's in the box, sweating and cursing and remembering that she said I'd laugh. Flitting across my mind came the outrageous thought: I hope she didn't buy me a lava lamp! I'm not sure where that thought came from, but I'm definitely psychic.

Sloooww orange and red bubbles float in a sea of purple and magenta. It's very bright. I'm not quite sure where to place it. I called her from the PO parking lot, the inside of my car looking like Christmas morning with wrapping paper strewn about, and told her about my new psychic abilities. She took it well. Then added that the guy in the post office where she mailed it suggested that perhaps the recipient might have a bit of trouble getting the tape off the tightly packed box. And so it goes. I can depend on her to shake my world in minor (sometimes major) ways. She keeps me thinking young though. Like the time I received a pair of fuzzy white moccasin boots with double pompoms.
They came with a hooded matching vest that was too small. I think I sent it back with the gentle suggestion that a 15 year old might dig it. The boots fit. But I love her gifts. We also exchange pretty blank notebooks a couple of times a year and fill them in our own private ways. And never ever share the content.

feng shui-ing my life
the declutter campaign continues and I'm stepping it up since Ron and I talked yesterday and decided that we're not going to consider moving for awhile, maybe never. He's building a deck onto the studio and plans to open it and the studio to the public next spring. The decision was the incentive I needed to think about redoing a couple of rooms in the house. But since I can't even see the rooms due to the stuff in them, I got started today and filled three cartons with books that I will deliver to the non-profit literary organization's book sale. Still lots of loose books that have to be sorted and looked at again and stacks of old knitting magazines (what to do with them?). Getting rid of books is even harder than clothes and bags, but I remembered what a friend said to me many decades ago: when in doubt, throw out!
full moon madness?
how are you dealing with the full moon? I wake up every couple of hours from strange technicolor dreams where doggies turn into babies and I can swim turbulent ocean waves while shark skeletons bob up around me (I don't even want to try to interpret that one). The real dog restlessly stalks window to window, barks occasionally, a cat yowls outside, coyotes yip and howl, a horse somewhere neighs rhythmically, we found a baby rattlesnake in our second floor kitchen and a drowned mouse near the dog's water bowl. I'm feng shui-ing to save my life!

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